Here are some projects I did for research, term projects, or just for fun. Click the pictures to see the enlarged picture.
An SRPArray is formed by antenna elements separately carried by multiple unmanned aerial vechicles (UAVs). The reconfigurable spatial arrangment of antenna elements is achieved by high-speed and highly accurate phase synchronization among UAVs, by which an SRPArray can potentially have better deployment flexibility and performance.
Trojan Radar is a wearable dual band (915MHz- and 5.8GHz-ISM Band) FMCW radar system for collision avoidance. The dual band system consists of two sets of radar circuits and two dual-band embedded patch antennas. The design won the 1st place of 2020 AP-S Student Design Contest.
I hosted a phased array training session for master’s students in my lab. Within five weeks, each group of trainees can implement an Arduino-controlled transmitting phased array and observe the array’s beam pattern from the blinking LEDs on receivers.
This is an 3-12.25-GHz ultra-wideband (UWB) low noise amplifier (LNA) design with 11.52±1dB gain and <3.8dB noise figure by 0.18-μm technology. The power consumption of the deisgn is 3.59 mW.
The DIY 2.2-3.5-GHz ridged horn antenna is the final project of “Antenna Course” in 2020 spring. It has a measured gain up to 10.2 dB, made of acrylic boads and foil.
This is a Matlab-based 2D-finite-element-method solver and optimizer for phased array. The program can solve the electric field of multiple omnidirectional sources, and optimize the performance of the synthezied beam pattern by linear gradient.
The biofeedback App on the smartphone can retrieve the electrocardiogram (ECG), temperature of fingers, and the rate of breath of the users by the circuits. Based on the collected, the App can guide the user to relax him/herself.
The experiment guides students to understand the principles of ASK modulation. Students can observe the effect of ASK modulation on the spectrum and build an ASK demodulation system by Arduino UNO board and microwave components. The system is applied to the teaching of “Electrical Engineering Lab for Electromagnetic Waves” in 2021 Spring.
A railgun uses electromagnetic force to launch high-speed projectiles. The project uses large capacitors to supply an instaneous high current and an Arduino UNO board to push the trigger.
A 2-stage OP-Amp is designed and simulated by HSPICE for the final project of “Analog Integrated Circuits Design”. The design has a open-loop gain 71.4 dB and 80° phase margin.